Saturday, 8 February 2014

Whahey, Are We There Yet?

I've been plugging away at it all week and I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - what a marvellously mixed metaphore!  My technology drive is bearing fruit.  Actually that's probably an exaggeration, more like my technology drive is thinking about attracting some polinators - another mixed metaphore!  I'll try to get a grip. 
Black Transparent Sexy Hostess Apron with glitter detail and black lace pocket
The Lace Pocket Detail on Hedy, sexy hostess half apron
This is one of my favourite aprons - I've got more of the fabric and am looking forward to making another, once I finally get all this webstuff put to bed.  

So where are we?  Finally got around to sorting out my tags or keywords and managed to bump my aprons onto the first Etsy page when looking for "sexy half aprons", "sexy aprons" doesn't work so well, but at least I'm there.  I took a leaf out of my competitors' tags and put apron in as many tags as I feasibly could.  Haha you may notice the "sexy hostess half apron" on the caption for my photo that's how I think my aprons should be picked up on the web crawlers, or spiders or whatever they're called nowadays.

I think I've created all the accounts I need to to get started; I just have to have them all link up, I think.  I've ended up creating 3 blogs, which will be fun, although obviously the other 2 are nothing to do with aprons.  I quite like Facebook but can't really see the point of Google+ or Twitter, I suppose that's because I'm a neophyte.

Facebook has turned up some friends that I wasn't in contact with and I've discovered that I'm quite embarrassed about a) only having 5 aprons for sale and b) finding the photos not really good enough.  I might try to sort the photo thing today.  

Haha what am I talking about? "nearly finished", I haven't done the Glamour Aprons facebook page yet. I'll bet I can link to this from Etsy though and I really must try to suss out the Pinterest angle - you see there we go, have to have gorgeous photos for that one too!

Slowly, slowly catchy monkey... in Rome.

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