Monday, 10 February 2014

I'm in a Treasury!

How fantastic is this?  I'm in a treasury!  Lovely lovely Blue Rose Retro has included Lydia in her Dragonfly Dreams treasury.  Its here: Blue Rose Retro's Dragonfly Dreams on Etsy.  I'd only gone to Glamour Aprons to see how the translation thing worked and there, right at the bottom of the page, I was told I had an item listed in a treasury. 

Phew! I thought I'd already put up a photo of Lydia, but, apparently not, just a Lydia bow so I'll show you what she looks like.
Photo of Sexy Hostess Half Apron - Bronze Organza with embroidered Dragonflies on dummy on whitish background
Sexy Hostess Half Apron - bronze ogranza with embroidered Dragonflies
Ahh isn't it lovely?

Anyway this brought me up short because, right up until that point, I'd sort of assumed that I was still in my little internet bubble.  The last time that I'd looked at my stats I hadn't had any views since my shop went live. I haven't even finished sewing together all this internet stuff.  But someone has notice me, yikes. It was different when I thought me and my mate Wend were my only audience.  Good excuse to make some more aprons though, I'm sure the fine-tuning of my internet presence can wait.

That's something to look forward to, a bit of sewing, what I'm not looking forward to is translating my Etsy shop, but, it has to be done and I may be able to get someone to check it over for me once I've finally done it.  Now there's a thought I could offer to check some French shop's English translation in exchange.  Got to do the translation first...  I also need to link up this blog with the Facebook page, which is looking distinctly drab.

Oh dear the whole translation thing is a bit huge, maybe I should be translating this?  Or maybe writing a shorter French version.  My problem is that I'm physically in France but I'm English so my logical market is France since this is where postage is cheapest - actually I think French women would like what I do and get what my mate Wend calls "the Dirty Kirtle aspect".

Funnily enough when I showed my sexy hostess half aprons to some Dutch friends a couple of weeks ago they got the sexy side of it but expected there to be bibs... I could do some with bibs I suppose.  I'll just have to see where my muse takes me.  I have promised myself that I'm not going to do anything just to cater to what the market wants, the idea is that I get to make what I want and if someone wants to buy it, then all well and good.

Thanks again Blue Rose Retro I think I'll go look at your shop now.

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