Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Grinning and Bearing it

Here we go, all part of the New Year's Resolution - two really.  Finally get up and running with Glamour Aprons and get properly technological. 

I suppose I could introduce myself, but then you can see the profile, can't you?  I make aprons.  To date, I've made 5 and I'm selling them on Etsy, looks like I can put a link in here so here goes, http://www.etsy.com/shop/GlamourAprons haha so there you have that!.  I am intending to make more but slogging through all of this internet stuff is taking time and considerable brain power.  Haha I'm actually looking forward to getting back to sowing.

A photo might go a long way...
This is Lydia my transparent sexy bronze organdy half apron...

So, what am I going to be doing here, apart for wittering on about my lovely products?  

I made a list of all the things that I'm interested in and was surprised at just how long it is, looking at it, I can't see much of that being relevant here.  I think I'd just like to talk about nice stuff.  Lovely things that I come across in my wanderings on the internet.  I'm on Pinterest, but not using properly just yet, but maybe I can link to that too.

Believe it or not this may involve more aprons made by other people, because I do really really like aprons.

Today I can't wax lyrical about my upcoming projects - actually I can.  The next apron is going to be made from my sister's old fur coat, maybe by writing here I will get around to making it this afternoon!  

Otherwise this blog is going to be about a middle aged woman wrestling with things digital in the vague hope of popping up on the internet radar... somewhere

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