Tuesday, 25 March 2014

More Pinterest!

Phew! That was a bit of an absence.  It was only supposed to be for a week, although, in retrospect I suppose  I should have mentioned that I was popping off, indeed I would have if I thought anyone was reading this.  2 weeks ago the weather was gorgeous and, I have a big garden to deal with so I took a "garden break" to try to steal a march on the weeding and planting etc.  Other people go on proper holidays this is what I do.  Holidays for me constitute limiting my time on the computer so that's what I did... for 2 weeks.

I couldn't, however stop my urge to make aprons so, the next four are ready for launch.  Haha launch means actually taking their photos, hasn't been done yet but the photo studio is up and nearly running - that might be what gets posted here, the photo studio.  According to my book I can even furnish videos of my my work space and methods etc.  Well, for anyone remotely interested, drop me a line!

Amateur photo studio with sheets and lamps with dressmaker's dummie in an apron
My little photo studio
It turns out that making aprons isn't the only work on my horizon.  I finally decided to create a business account for Glamour Aprons on Pinterest and that has opened up a whole giant can of worms in the form of how I'm supposed to be doing things and general tips and advice floating all over the place and, yes, you've guessed it, I need to spend some time getting to grips with Pinterest.  Good job I've already got Blogger under my belt, eh?

The way I see it, Etsy is turning out to be the shop, Pinterest should perform as my shop window and this little space here performs the function of Me in my shop.  So, in that respect why would people want to visit this blog other than to get to know me and my ethos for my aprons?  If I were out there in the real world with my shop full of aprons I wouldn't be offering another service to my clients just to get them to come into the shop, would I?  So why would I do that on the web.  This is a reference to my previous blog about making gift suggestions to stop this blog being just me burbling on about creating a web presence.

Just as well really, since that idea wasn't going to fly anyway.  Its my mum's birthday next week and I've just had a really difficult time working out what to get her.  That is something that other people, not least my little sister, come to think of it, have a gift for, not me.

So, the idea of the blog and Pinterest is to drive people to my Etsy shop and get them to buy aprons from it.  Of course I have to add to that Facebook and Google+, StumbleUpon, Twitter and I have signed up for but am only mildly interested in Tumblr (I think its out of my age bracket).  Oh yes there's Flickr too.

Essentially, anyone who's looking for aprons I've probably got it covered, even just carrying on as I am here should manage OK for the apron people since I will wax lyrical about the history of aprons and all the wonderful things about aprons, as I am coming to discover.  Which is probably what I'd talk about if you came in to see me in a physical shop.  I'd talk about the inspirations and why I make aprons, wouldn't I?

Of course, because I'm an antisocial sort of a girl if I went into an apron shop I would hope that the shop assistant would leave me alone to look around... OK so that's what I'm going to do, I'll try creating a post for every apron and explaining in more detail than is available on Etsy about that apron....

So, fine, people who know that they are looking for an apron they'll probably find me but what about the ones who don't know that they're looking for one of my aprons?  Well, I dare say if I'd got that one sussed I would already be a millionnaire and not pondering the question on blogspot.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Onwards and Upwards

Blimey! I've just realised that I really have to try and do something interesting here now. 

One of the side effects of my getting properly digital in order to sell my totally undigital aprons is that I've ended up finding a whole load of old school friends on Facebook.  Hello Dunalley Primary Class of '73 if any of you have tracked this down! Lots of wandering down memory lane and has had me rummaging around in all the boxes of old school stuff that I've just moved from pillar to post all these years.  And by "all these years" I mean a lot of years. I am staggered at how dull I was!  I've just posted onto the group the timetable I put in my project for a visit to Goodrich Castle and Tintern Abbey.  Even my school report has nothing of any interest in it.  No quirks no character at all!  To be honest I'm amazed anyone in the Dunalley group remembers me at all, I'm not sure I would.

So, now, here I am and I need to be interesting.  I suppose I need to be more "of interest" than interesting.  I need to give this blog some sort of focus, its not going to be enough for me to dribble on about nothing in particular if its going to get people interested enough in my aprons to actually buy one!  So, I've decided to use this blog to try and thrash out some sort of strategy.

1. The aim is to sell my aprons

Just having my aprons for sale on Etsy is not enough to get them seen and the blogs and facebooks are about getting the aprons found so that when someone does a search on Google for that special gift they end up finding my aprons.

Of course there are lots of people who love aprons already and even collect them, so I need to be visible to them too.

2. This blog needs to furnish a service in order to get read by the maximum number of people.

Yes it can furnish links to aprons patterns and the like but that doesn't really feel right or enough.

My idea right now is that I should help people find gifts...I'm sure loads of other people do that already but they won't be doing it quite like me, will they?  Hang on, I'll just have a quick surf to what that little niche is like. (...) Of course! its mostly shops selling their stuff! So, now I'll check the blogosphere (...)Oh wow there are some real heavy hitters out there - check this one out http://www.thegiftinsider.com/index.php.  

Of course there will be loads of people out there suggesting gifts but its definitely an area where its a question of horses for courses.  That's OK so far as it goes but... what about the "Dirty Kirtle" aspect of my aprons?

I've deliberately avoided any mention of this aspect of my aprons on Etsy deciding that the use for the apron is in the eye of the beholder.  Maybe here I could be a bit more daring?  Sort of subtle sexy ideas for gifts for example?  The whole reason I made the first apron all those years ago was because I was uncomfortable with the options available for my sister's hen party. (...) Ooh just ended up on Glamour's 15 naughty but oh so nice holiday gift ideas makes my possible contributions sound positively "vanilla" as they say, well, why not?  maybe that's the missing link? A bit of subtlety.

Lists seem to work quite well on the web, OK, I'm the one who like lists.  Not to mention the fact that it would be fun to do all that virtual shopping on the web and the blog posts can be backed up by a Pinterest board... on no! another online logo required.

Sort of more in the line of sensual gift ideas perhaps?

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Sweating Blood Here

Note the big gap in blog entries - that's because I have been doggedly trying to put some social media buttons on this thing! But I have not given up and finally, yesterday, I managed with the help of someone on the Blogger forum, oops I should, at least, have credited him here. I'm really sorry, whoever you were, but I can't find you back - unless you're in my history... hang on...found you Deepak Kamat! here's your link https://www.blogger.com/profile/09720758850729600278 and you truly saved my bacon with "Social Media icons - Making it inline.You and Martin Leblanc at Iconfinder.com and his blog "How to add social media icons to your gmail signature" have allowed me to produce that nifty little line of icons at the top right of my bar to the right.

I am inordinately proud of this and those little icons lead to all my other web presences, which, hopefully, will be of interest to you, my reader. That is, of course if you're interested in aprons, and, more specifically interested in glamourous, silly, sexy and pretty well more decorative than useful aprons.

Of course this is the strategy as mapped out by my book but I shall explain for anyone who hasn't dabbled where I have.

I make aprons out of vintage fabrics and off cuts and generally anything that inspires me. My aprons pay lip service to the idea of the 1950's hostess apron that I think is pretty sexy and how the happy owner of one of my aprons decides to wear my apron is entirely up to him or her. Indeed I learned a long time ago that its best not to explain your art, people who like what you do have their own understanding of what you do and its best not to disillusion them. So I don't explain my aprons, they are what they are.

I offer them up for sale on Etsy.com where I have my own shop called GlamourAprons and where I can accept credit card and payment by eBay. Cool. Ah, I haven't mentioned this before, but I live in France so any purchases will be despatched from France with the incumbant postage fees.

My blog here is to give a more human aspect to the GlamourAprons shop, possibly even represents a sort of shop assistant. I can of course be contacted via Etsy (they call it a convo), but, here you get to know me a bit better, and what my aprons and I are getting up to. So really, you get to know a bit more about my product too.

I have set up a page on Facebook for Glamour Aprons although I'll admit that at this point I don't really know what to do with it just yet.

Next to that is the button to my Google+ page which, at the moment just shows posts from here but in time, that too will have apron relevant stuff on it. I am hoping to use news feeds to post on both Facebook and Google+ but up until now I haven't really found anything that entertaining about aprons, after all there's only so much you want to read about Grandma's apron and how you remembered her at the kitchen sink and, as I have already mentioned, my aprons aren't really about that. I may need to get imaginative here. But that's the next job now that I've sorted out those Icons.

White spotted poplin with green shot silk shamrock leaves waiting to be attached
The St Patrick's day Sexy Hostess Half Apron

The next button is for my Flickr page - for anyone who doesn't know Flickr is a photo sharing site so I am using it for photos about my aprons (as opposed to the 5 "packshots" per apron allowed on Etsy), how I make them and anything that I feel is worth taking a photo of - like, for example, the half made St Patrick's apron, upstairs that's waiting for a bit of inspiration and that I'll post here too.

The final button is for Pinterest. Pinterest is a wonderful universe for anyone who loves looking, almost a visual odyssey I think it can best be described as a collection of digital scrapbooks. My sister introduced me to it and it wasn't until I wanted to see some examples of vintage aprons that I really got hooked. My relevant board for here is called Apronerie and I have pinned to it aprons that I like or patterns that I think might be useful and even the odd photo of women of the fifties wearing their aprons just a whole bunch of lovely things really, and, of course my own aprons.

Since I'm only in the beginning throes of all of this, although I have opened a Twitter account, I really don't know what to do with it, so until I start tweeting, and more's to the point, find something interesting to tweet about I'm not providing a link to that.

And then of course, there's here, which in true Blog tradition is just me burbling on about whatever I have to say on any given day, with the proviso that it has something to do my aprons or trying to promote them or sell them.

Now this little diatribe has got the juices flowing about alternative points of interest for Facebook and Google+... watch this space.