Friday, 7 March 2014

Onwards and Upwards

Blimey! I've just realised that I really have to try and do something interesting here now. 

One of the side effects of my getting properly digital in order to sell my totally undigital aprons is that I've ended up finding a whole load of old school friends on Facebook.  Hello Dunalley Primary Class of '73 if any of you have tracked this down! Lots of wandering down memory lane and has had me rummaging around in all the boxes of old school stuff that I've just moved from pillar to post all these years.  And by "all these years" I mean a lot of years. I am staggered at how dull I was!  I've just posted onto the group the timetable I put in my project for a visit to Goodrich Castle and Tintern Abbey.  Even my school report has nothing of any interest in it.  No quirks no character at all!  To be honest I'm amazed anyone in the Dunalley group remembers me at all, I'm not sure I would.

So, now, here I am and I need to be interesting.  I suppose I need to be more "of interest" than interesting.  I need to give this blog some sort of focus, its not going to be enough for me to dribble on about nothing in particular if its going to get people interested enough in my aprons to actually buy one!  So, I've decided to use this blog to try and thrash out some sort of strategy.

1. The aim is to sell my aprons

Just having my aprons for sale on Etsy is not enough to get them seen and the blogs and facebooks are about getting the aprons found so that when someone does a search on Google for that special gift they end up finding my aprons.

Of course there are lots of people who love aprons already and even collect them, so I need to be visible to them too.

2. This blog needs to furnish a service in order to get read by the maximum number of people.

Yes it can furnish links to aprons patterns and the like but that doesn't really feel right or enough.

My idea right now is that I should help people find gifts...I'm sure loads of other people do that already but they won't be doing it quite like me, will they?  Hang on, I'll just have a quick surf to what that little niche is like. (...) Of course! its mostly shops selling their stuff! So, now I'll check the blogosphere (...)Oh wow there are some real heavy hitters out there - check this one out  

Of course there will be loads of people out there suggesting gifts but its definitely an area where its a question of horses for courses.  That's OK so far as it goes but... what about the "Dirty Kirtle" aspect of my aprons?

I've deliberately avoided any mention of this aspect of my aprons on Etsy deciding that the use for the apron is in the eye of the beholder.  Maybe here I could be a bit more daring?  Sort of subtle sexy ideas for gifts for example?  The whole reason I made the first apron all those years ago was because I was uncomfortable with the options available for my sister's hen party. (...) Ooh just ended up on Glamour's 15 naughty but oh so nice holiday gift ideas makes my possible contributions sound positively "vanilla" as they say, well, why not?  maybe that's the missing link? A bit of subtlety.

Lists seem to work quite well on the web, OK, I'm the one who like lists.  Not to mention the fact that it would be fun to do all that virtual shopping on the web and the blog posts can be backed up by a Pinterest board... on no! another online logo required.

Sort of more in the line of sensual gift ideas perhaps?

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